Let’s begin by asking a few basic questions about your classroom technology.
- Can your interactive whiteboard help you in taking student attendance?
- Does your IWB help you make assessments and grade tests?
- Are you still preparing content for classroom instruction the age-old way?
- Does your interactive whiteboard let students collaborate remotely or through video calls?
If your answers to the above questions no, the IWB technology in your classroom is quite old and redundant. Read further to know about EyeRIS IQ, which is a way beyond an ordinary Interactive Whiteboard.
Interactive Whiteboard: A Classroom Essential
Interactive whiteboards (IWBs) are slowly on the verge of becoming an integral part of classrooms across the world. An Interactive whiteboard is probably the only mainstream digital technology that has been developed with a classroom situation in mind, as compared with the hand-me-down technologies that schools have adopted in the past.
Even on first observing an Interactive whiteboard being used by an experienced teacher, it quickly becomes apparent that it is a very useful tool for any classroom setting. It allows images, texts and sounds to be selected, saved, displayed, moved and modified in ways that conventional classroom display technologies cannot – and yet you can write on it too. It can be liked to computers, scanners laptops and operated by children in the class. In fact, the IWB is not really one educational tool, but rather a hub for the use of many such tools.
Creative ways of using an Interactive whiteboard
It’s important that teachers can use the Interactive whiteboard in a variety of interesting and creative ways and in doing so create new opportunities for pupils, as well as opportunities for reflection on what is occurring and the consequent evolution of changed approaches. As a learning technology the IWB will only be of lasting significance in enhancing student attainment if teachers are prepared to change their teaching approaches to more interactive mode. Without this change it is possible that the presentational advantages offered by IWBs will soon become commonplace and the potential for understanding and application will be lost, thus inhibiting progress in the long term.
Much more than Glorified Whiteboards
Interactive whiteboards are not just glorified whiteboards, they’re much more! In fact, interactive classroom technologies such as EyeRIS IQ can very well replace all the other hardware and software incorporated in your classroom.
EyeRIS IQ: Sorry IWBs, the Bar has been Raised
EyeRIS IQ is a new-age interactive projection system that has functions way beyond an ordinary IWB, making it indispensable in a classroom setting. It runs on a novel software einsOS, designed exclusively for intelligent, connected education.
An Intelligent Classroom Assistant
EyeRIS IQ offers a unified learning environment. It takes away the need to install multiple apps and devices in the classroom. Be it seamless interactivity, free content for teaching, attendance management, grading assistance, or measuring student engagement, EyeRIS IQ can do it all!