A tiny, sleek and portable classroom computer, powered by einsOS, enhances a smart classroom and makes teaching, learning, and collaboration very easy and way more fun!
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Product Features
Learn & Collaborate Remotely
With SparkHUB, you can collaborate from anywhere around the world and contribute to an ongoing class. Be it a classroom or home when one is ill.
Portable & Compact Design
A tiny computer, with an in-built Wi-Fi and a variety of learning apps to help students and teachers to interact and collaborate on their own devices of choice.
Plan on the Go
SparkHUB lets teachers create lesson plans on the go, saving your precious time. Teacher can just login on einsClass and create sessions. One can even review assignments, create quizzes and generate reports.
Dedicated Teaching Assistant
AskEins is an inbuilt digital assistant for a smart classroom. Educators can look for any topic and it will fetch relevant data from the internet to make it easy to explain concepts better via multimedia.


With einsOS, students can login to einsClass from their device of choice and connect to the shared canvas in classroom. The students can view the curated content being taught, learn from it and contribute to the discussion. They can do so through the collaborative tools or on the interactive touch surface in the classroom which has multi-touch feature.

Make lesson plans on the go, focus on teaching, conduct group activities, manage attendance, assess multiple assignments, track progress and arrange a guest lecture via video conference with the help of eins.OS. With the world’s first learning OS, one needn’t hesitate to use online content as an encoded AI algorithm prevents any malicious content seep in during a class in session.

With the number of mobile devices like phones and tablets that students have access to keeps increasing, investing on an independent OS, like eins.OS , which works on all existing systems allows a safe learning environment. Equipped with grading and reporting features, one can track the utilization of installed device in classes and monitor the progress made.
What can you expect?

Comprehend and Collaborate.
Built to improve peer to peer and student-teacher collaboration skills in smart classrooms, SparkHub boasts of a strong reputation of connecting and education tech-savvy millennials. Through SparkHUB one can connect and contribute classes using the einsclass.

Lucid lesson plans
Teachers spend a lot of time creating relevant lesson plans in their free time. With einsOS, curated online content is made available in SparkHUB. Teachers can fetch texts and multimedia content and create lesson plans on the go. Teachers can even save the class conducted on MyCloud for future reference.

One device. Multiple roles.
SparkHUB is a one stop solution for collaboration, tracking progress and creation of lesson plans. It has an in-built wireless access point, a dedicated learning OS which provides strict online security, relevant content for smart classroom and features which help with grading, reporting and