Analytical software for schools and colleges
Assume that you have bought the latest educational technology to meet the futuristic demands of your classroom space. The devices you have purchased for the students and staff are now creating a buzz in and round your institution. How will you track this progress? Also, how will you translate all this information to show parents and other potential consumers that the technology you’ve adopted is actually delivering the promised results?
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The team at
Addressing such pressing demands of today’s economic scenario, which thrives on numbers and results, is what the einsAnalytics application aims to resolve. The information provided can help the administration of an ambitious institution to execute many functions within tight deadlines. An admin who is logged into einsAnalytics can view all the devices which they have provided to students and teachers and all the data related to them. The admins can filter information according to the daily, weekly and monthly view on their einsAnalytics dashboards.
Tracking the utilisation of devices installed
With einsAnalytics, admins can also view the status of these devices, if these devices are in-active, idle or active state. This is further simplified with the various filters the Eins developers provide in einsAnalytics. The developers in Eins have attempted to create a database with countries, states, districts and cities to enhance search results on einsAnalytics. These various types and levels filters help admins streamline information quickly regarding all the devices they’ve invested in. Filter options like geographic region, status of device, etc. can help them track these devices and gauge the progress that a particular class or school is making.
Tracking students’ and teachers’ performance
einsAnalytics plans to get many more things done by developing other apps for the other stakeholders in the realm of educations: namely the students, teachers and parents. It will help all of them to track the student’s performance, the percentage of curriculum completion, the unnecessary use of irrelevant applications for a classroom, staff’s performance and much more.
These developments, keeping teachers, parents
About The Author: Sindhya Ravikumar
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