It’s Day 3 of ISE 2020 and the world’s largest trade show has shaped up with chock-full of dazzling displays, interactive video walls, dancing robots and awesome audio products. This four-day–long trade show has witnessed some excellent partnerships, extremely promising contacts, unanticipated business deals and continues to be a progressive event for each participant.
The event has witnessed some 50,000 attendees who have travelled from different countries to learn about technology innovations, further developments, and new product lines. The more remarkable is attendees’ extremely high decision-making capability, as most of them are executives and in a decisive and co-decisive position at their respective organizations.
It seemed like most of the attendees had marked Day 3 to visit Cybernetyx booth, and our booth was jampacked with people of different nationalities. Right after a firm handshake, the first question almost everyone asked was – how Perceptual AI has been incorporated in tiny palm-sized devices, and how it perceives the information contextually and treats it as an implicit input. Cybernetyx Team won the confidence of each visitor by showing them products, explaining the features, demonstrating capabilities and encouraging them to try their own hands. The ergonomically designed products hardly take more than a few minutes to learn and use, which was a great hit.

Several attendees could not stop themselves by sharing that they have come across the best meeting room products so far. “Not every company looks to change the entire setup of their meeting room for the sake of increasing collaboration. But what we look for a retrofit product that could augment the capabilities of the existing setup while increasing the aesthetic appeal of the meeting room. I believe Cybernetyx offers that”, quoted an attendee from Netherland. Such feedbacks are our confidence and attest to our global position in the AV Industry.
Another feedback that actually made our day came from a distributor Mr. Garry Weidemann, who is in AV Industry for more than years. When he tried his hand on Quriosity Panel, his first reaction was ‘smoother than any Butterflow Pen’. Quriosity is a 4K-UHD Interactive Panel with built-in teaching tools and a classroom management system, which optimizes the teaching environment in the classroom. Soon after the demo, Mr Weidemann, added that, whatever products and solutions they are using all this while, was not as robust and he felt that every classroom must have this device.
Classroom Behavior Management System (CBMS) feature emerged out as the most amazing feature as every attendee and media persons were interested to know how a Camera captures the attentiveness of students and analyzes their behavior to offers Personalized Learning to them. In the current situation, teachers just impart education on the mass level with no way of tracking how much students have actually grasped. But with analytics, tracking the progress of each students becomes possible.
The day wrapped up on a positive note. Since, it was the penultimate of the event, the team dispersed into different groups to explore the night life of Amsterdam.
About The Author: Sindhya Ravikumar
More posts by Sindhya Ravikumar